Ultrasonic Cleaning

Get the most out of your patching system!

Reasons for cleaning

1) Static pops

2) Drop outs

3) Contact cleaner residue present

4) Resistive molecular particle build up on contacts

Benefits of cleaning

  • Transparent signal path
  • Removal of contact contamination resistance build up and worry fee operation


The Ultrasonic service includes:

    • Evaluation of any damaged components and advised as to recommended repairs.
    • Both front, rear and normaling contacts cleaned by the hot water while a 20 KHz signal is passed through the water for molecular level cleansing.
    • Final complete continuity testing just as a new audio bay is tested.

Optional add ons:

    • Shipping cartons may shipped to your location in advance.
    • Demo use of an audio bay to rotate through your system, if system maintenance time does not permit loss of duty.
    • Fixed normaling and grounding alterations may be performed to your specifications.

Watch the process below:

Watch a clip of the process here:

Please contact us regarding pricing and scheduling of your cleaning. It is very helpful if you have the part number and serial number available when contacting us.